This document, along with the D&D 5E Player's Handbook will serve as your guide to the CoC-inspired mechanics and lore that will be relevant to our game. Our story starts with 4 heroes in the village of Zendar. Villages pillaged and burned, the captured residents given the choice of being breeding stock or put to the sword.Įven now the lines between our world and Mareth's begin to shift and obscure, aspects from both worlds bleeding into one another like a messy painting across the Prime World.Įntire species of creatures once thought to only be fantastical are now being made manifest, many of which prey upon the Prime World races for multiple reasons, chief among them - pleasure. They bring tales of a world filled with strife. Whispers come from the various rangers and paladins manning the gates, their eyes haunted by what they have witnessed from various scryings into the land beyond. A malevolent interstice begins to seep through our last line of planar defense - the Polar Gates. And with it - our most recent contingent sent to Mareth has fallen.
Once again the planes of the Prime World and Mareth have crossed and the demonic assault begins anew.